New Site Notice

Dear SigningOnline Users,

We are excited to announce that our new website will be launching in May 2023!

Our new platform was designed to help students and schools get the most out of the ASL learning experience. Some of those features include:

  • Easier user account and group account management.
  • Redesigned user interface for easier navigation and easier access to course materials, content, and supplementary learning materials.
  • Improved mobile-device and tablet-device experiences so you can learn ASL on-the-go.

What to expect after we transition to the new platform?

  1. You will need a new user account. Your current user account will not be migrated to the new site. You’re welcome to use the same account information as you had on our former site (though we do recommend changing your password).
  2. Our current site, beginning in mid-May 2023, will be moved to and will be available until 12/01/2023 so that users can retrieve any awards, certificates, or other content that will not be migrated to the new platform.

Feel free to reach out to us at if you need anything or have any questions.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have already started your program on this site, you will be able to finish on this site as well without any loss of information.

Thank you for your support and for being a friend of SigningOnline!

— Your SigningOnline Team